Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hello, My Name Is...Mommy

My 13-month old has recently found great excitement shaking hands with people. Whenever she reaches to shake mine, I tell her, "Hello, it's very nice to meet you. My name is Mommy." I shake her hand vigorously and she giggles infectiously. Really, I don't know whether it's the holding of hands or the shaking of hands that she enjoys more.

But that's who I am. I'm a mommy. What a blessing! I wouldn't change or trade it for the world. I'm blessed to stay home during the day. I love my job. I'm a teacher, caregiver, reader, diaper changer, stroller pusher, short-order cook, meal-planner, personal shopper, stylist, fitness coach, housekeeper, gardener, repairman, accountant, and courier by day. Every day. The skills and resources I use for my job are countless, and no amount of webspace would be enough to list them all. What a privilege to have such an exciting, unpredictable, ever-changing job. I seriously have no idea what each day will entail!

But for all the "relaxing" I do during the day (and you know what I mean if you also stay at home caring for a child all day), what I really need after bedtime is some REAL relaxation. No, I'm not talking about a bubble bath, a good book, or even an early bedtime.

Welcome to a blog that makes sense to me. And reflects what I do after the little one goes to bed. I like to create. I like to sew, build, construct, design, work, and be productive in a way that I cannot be during the day. My projects range in complexity, size, difficulty, time required, resources needed, and everything in between. I thrive on that variety.

Want to join me on this journey? Here's my goal. 52 weeks and 52 projects by night. That is, projects that can be done by night (i.e., in 2-4 hour blocks of time) and make me feel like I've accomplished something extra special with that extra, teensy-weensy little bit of the day. Something that might require the occasional assistance from my ever-capable husband. Something that I might find challenging. Something that might require one night, or several. Not necessarily one project every week, but certainly one to represent every week of the year. Let's see where this takes us. Will you join me?

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